There is no such thing as an old Diamond, Sapphire or Emerald because precious stones never wear out. Many people inherit precious jewelry from a loved one. They hold on to them for many reasons — the value, the memory, sentiment, or it may just be one of the few things from which to remember a loved one. Whatever the reason, 85 percent of the time it ends up in the old jewelry box.
Throughout the years we’ve had many clients walk through our doors and present us with this situation. We have the client sit down and tell us a little story regarding the piece of jewelry they have inherited. Knowing the history of your jewelry item is very important; it helps us design a unique, custom piece that reflects you and “Your Signature of Fine Art & Love.”
Just before Thanksgiving we had a client stop in with a few rings inherited from her mother, father and grandmother. After spending some time with her, we came up with a two-tone fashion ring that she wanted to wear on her right hand. The ring consisted of her mother’s center stone, her father’s and grandmother’s smaller accent stones that were pave set throughout the ring. We also suggested using the existing gold from the rings to recast them into her new fashion ring. However, she wanted to take it a step further and add her birthstone, and her only daughter’s birthstone, as well as all three of her grandchildren’s birthstones. She was so grateful that her parents and grandmother had passed their rings down to her. In turn, she would leave a beautiful family heirloom for her daughter.
After the New Year we had a lovely couple from the Colony wishing a design for a custom pendant to accommodate two stones, one an oval gray Opal given to her by her step-daughter. The other stone was a Diamond passed down from her mother-in-law. The couple requested something simple with a little sparkle. We bezel set the Opal surrounded by twenty-two accent diamonds, including her mother-in-laws diamond in a free-form design. The exact words from our client: It’s beautiful, simple, and classy. I love it
Precious family jewelry passed down from generation-to-generation is just too special to sit in a jewelry box for years. So stop in today and bring your family heirloom to life and express “Your Signature of Fine Art & Love.”